Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Intelligence - Essay Example In this case, the Marshfield Clinic and the Exclusive Resorts, LLC case studies will be explored based on various elements of business intelligence. From these case studies, it is evident that there must be a drive or an instigating factor to pursue BI solutions, it is important to choose the right BI software, there are barriers to the adoption of business intelligence solutions, and the system must be able to integrate all the applications in the company. However, some of the BI solutions are complex and costly. Therefore, it is important for the business to perform enough research before settling on a final BI solution. The Marshfield Clinic Case Study The Marshfield Clinic has more than 50 regional locations with over 800 physicians and 6,500 healthcare and administrative workers. The clinic efficiently manages more than 375,000 patients each year. For example, the management team made an investment in electronic patient records. To facilitate it, the clinic offered its staff wit h electronic tablets for purposes of history taking which would be automatically populated in a centralized patient data warehouse. All the clinical care and financial information of each patient is safely kept, constantly updated, and ready for reporting and analysis. The clinic constantly innovates to be in line with the industry change (Cummens and Konitzer, 2011). Recently, the clinic utilized SAP Business Objects solutions to observe the quality metrics as it implemented enhancement initiatives. The clinic has an efficient system for collecting patient care information but it requires the appropriate analytics tool to improve patient care metrics and also provide user-friendly reporting for the physicians’ desktops in order to give support to real-time decision making. Initially, the clinic used sophisticated ad hoc query tools before acquiring SAP BusinessObjects for analytics and reporting, however, this method required the users to undergo extensive training. The clin ic utilized train-the-trainer approach to train the end-user. The SAP BusinessObjects was the best fit for the clinic. This is because the management team required software that non-IT individuals (particularly the doctors) could use without any problems (Cummens and Konitzer, 2011). The rolling out and adoption process was quick and smooth. However, there were challenges such as converting the 60 Cognos catalogs of the clinic into novel semantic layers that functioned with SAP BusinessObjects software. The whole process tool close to nine months and the software has enabled the clinic to meet its goals from the perspective of reporting and analytics (Cummens and Konitzer, 2011). There are a number of lessons to be learned from this case study. First, there must be a drive or an instigating factor to pursue business intelligence solutions. Though the clinic had an efficient system, it still needed software that will keep then up to date with the ongoing healthcare industry changes. Electrosmart Ltd (2011), states that drivers of BI include rapid change, governance, stakeholder demands, expanding on ERP (enterprise resource planning) and data availability. In the case of Marshfield Clinic, data was readily available and there was need to be in line with the health care industry. Second, it is important to choose the right BI

Monday, October 28, 2019

A world without Law would be a world without Sin Essay Example for Free

A world without Law would be a world without Sin Essay According to one of the Holy Books, the Bible, when God created the first man and woman, He knew as the author and finisher of man that he has mind, a conscience which is 2-sided. It could be destructive or constructive, it could embrace good or shun evil, it could love or hate based on the outline that he knows what is wrong and or right. That was the basic reason why God warned them or gave a strict Law against the act that lead to the very first sin, which is the eating of the fruit of knowledge. Hence, if there wasn’t any Law, the first and subsequent sins wouldn’t have existed. A car, an example of mechanical robot, will have no idea why it was created, which is a reason why a manual will be attached to it by the manufacturer for the use of the possible user[s]. We are all created for a purpose but the significant difference between Man and Machine is the choice and will power. These two tools can be shaped with Law[s] to guide man from being a weapon of personal and group calamity. And when there is no Law[s], then man can do whatever and anything he likes to suit his personal desire at the expense of others which would mean â€Å"No-Sin†. †¦At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. - Aristotle It can be said man would be reckless, irresponsible, wild, thoughtless, uncontrolled or careless in a world without law. He would be pitiless when the taste for pleasure clouds his sense of reasoning. The mentality that anything he does is not wrong; just-do-it lingers in the mind of man in a world without Laws because there will not be any form of punishment. It would be a world of no hope for the poor. Government which is supposed to organize the society would not be in existence; there would not be anything like the Legislature to make laws, Executive to administer the laws and Judiciary to interpret the laws. Since the germane objective of Law is to maintain order in a society, the government agencies to carry out crime investigations and the professionals called Lawyers would have no space in a world without laws. Therefore, there will be a paradigm shift where jungle justice takes over the expected capacity of law. Discoveries and inventions will set the world in a state of entropy. Classified experiments such as cloning, stem cell growth and Nuclear weapons would know no limit. The world would be overpopulated for their will not be birth control regulations; strange diseases would be epidemic and pandemic. I can conveniently conclude that the world will fall apart without the law [which is tantamount to a world without sin].

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How excessive Internet use increasingly inflicts negative effects on ou

How excessive Internet use increasingly inflicts negative effects on our society "An estimated 147 million people worldwide accessed the Internet at least once a week from their businesses and home--more than double the 61 million who browsed the Net in 1996, according to a recent report by Computer Industry Almanac." The current estimated statistics show that there are over 63 million home internet users, and with the growing importance of the Internet in everyday life, excessive use and its negative effects are growing. Research shows excessive Internet usage is associated to several growing problems; A few examples are Internet crimes against children, identity theft, and Internet Addiction Disorder. First, According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Internet is an effective and anonymous way for predators to seek out and groom children for criminal purposes such as producing and distributing child pornography, contacting and stalking children for the purpose of engaging in sexual acts, and exploiting children of sexual tourism for personal and commercial purposes. Predators consider children and young teenagers to be perfect targets for criminal acts because they are commonly trusting, naive, curious, looking for adventures, and eager for attention and affection. With so many children online, the Internet provides predators a new place to target children for criminal acts. Statistics from the "Crimes Against Children Research Center at the Un...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nursing research that improve patient outcome Essay

Identify one area of nursing research that has improved patient outcomes. State the study and its impact on patient care. How have these findings changed your nursing practice? . Nurses and other healthcare personnel are able to use the skills learned through evidence based research to decrease a patient’s length of stay, decreases morbidity and mortality, and healthcare cost. Nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice (Burns & Grove, 2011) Extensive research is needed to develop sound empirical knowledge for synthesis into the best research evidence needed for practice. This research evidence might be synthesized to develop guidelines, standards, protocols, or policies to direct the implementation of a variety of nursing interventions (Burns & Grove, 2011) One example of nursing research that has patient outcomes is through the use of foley insertio n causing UTI( Urinary tract infection) . The presence of a urinary catheter is the most important risk factor for bacteriuria. Once a catheter is placed, the daily incidence of bacteriuria is 3-10%. Between 10% and 30% of patients who undergo short-term catheterization (ie, 2-4 days) develop bacteriuria and are asymptomatic. Between 90% and 100% of patients who undergo long-term catheterization develop bacteriuria. About 80% of nosocomial UTIs are related to urethral catheterization; only 5-10% are related to genitourinary manipulation Risk factors for bacteriuria in patients who are catheterized include longer duration of catheterization, colonization of the drainage bag, diarrhea, diabetes, absence of antibiotics, female gender, renal insufficiency, errors in catheter care, catheterization late in the hospital course, and immunocompromised or debilitated states.( These strategies include an indwelling catheter has been in place for more than 2 weeks at the onset of catheter-associated UTI and remains indicated, the catheter should be replaced to promote continued resolution of symptoms and to reduce the risk of subsequent catheter-associated infection Catheter use and duration should be minimized in all patients, especially those at higher risk for catheter-associated UTI (eg, women, elderly persons, and patients with impaired immunity (CDC, 2009)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Essay

Abstract PharmaCARE is on of the world’s most successful pharmaceutical companies. This paper will take a look at Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the work place and the world and how PharmaCare provided insight to their stakeholders CompCare and who takes on the overall ethical and social responsibilities of the organization. The importances of the decisions made by management are discussed as well as the ability to make changes to support a more ethical work environment. The ability to improve operations and turn a profit are explained by discussing management’s requirements to abide by regulations governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Federal Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Equal Employment Opportunity , Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act and other regulatory policies Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World Introduction Introduction This paper will examine PharmaCare’s ethical and social responsibility around its operations, products, and obligation to stakeholders. PharmaCare, a renowned fortune 500 pharmaceutical company listed on the NASDAQ is one of the companies that have all these initiatives in place. It is considered one of the most ethical and social responsible companies in the world due to many initiatives it takes to commit to its responsibility to protect the environment and enhance the quality of life for millions around the world. In recent years, many companies have managed to become a benefit corporation (B-corporation). This legal form of corporation is to provide legal protection to management that want to both maximize shareholder income and pursue a social or environmental agenda (Andre, 2012). This paradigm shift is due to consumer’s awareness, global warming and globalization in the business world. All global companies have developed ethical, environmental and sustainability policies for their employees, suppliers, contractors and other stakeholders to follow. Key characteristics of Stakeholders within the PharmaCARE scenario PharmaCare has a legal obligation to all of these stakeholders. The Company needs the employees to carry out its day-to-day operation in so doing; they may offer many incentives to keep the best employees. The suppliers are one of the main factors to this chain because they have to provide the machinery or raw material because employees can produce a product. The shareholders, investors and creditors are the parties providing funding for PharmaCare to operate. Human rights issues of the Colberia’s population versus that of its Executives Several firms have faced legal suits due to the manner in which they have treated the public, workers, consumers, and the environment during their business activities. For instance, the competition bureau of Canada found Azko Nobel Chemicals BV guilty and they were charged in the federal court of Canada on August 18, 2003. The company had taken part in a conspiracy to fix market prices for a crucial food additive that was an essential ingredient for an important animal feed and a chemical use that was in several commercial and consumer products. The company was fined $2.9 million by the court (American Bar Association, 2002). Many consumers as well as social interest groups believe that firms should not only aim at maximizing their profits but they also put into focus the social implications of their business activities. Social responsibility has been defined as acting with concern and sensitivity and the awareness of the  impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged (Entrepreneur, 2014). Some of the very basic ethical and social responsibility issues have been put within the contact of laws and regulations that will encourage business organizations to be in conformity to societal standards, values, and attitudes. The minimum expectation for business managers is that they should abide to and uphold these rules and regulations (Griseri & Seppala, 2010). The majority of the legal and ethical issues that arise are as a result of choices that are deemed unethical, irresponsible, or otherwise acceptable by the society. It is however worth noting that not all actions that the society deems unethical may not necessarily be illegal since both legal and ethical issues are dynamic (Hines, 2000). In this case, the manner in which PharmaCARE has treated Colberia’s indigenous population falls within the definition of unethical practices as well as unacceptable corporate behavior. To start with the company has unfair compensation policies that pay huge salaries to executives and exploit the rank-to-file workers. These workers receive poor salaries and are exposed to harsh and unsafe working conditions. In addition, the company subjects the workers to unsafe working conditions. Recommend at least three (3) changes PharmaCARE can make to be more ethical going forward. Make stronger the connection among the rank-and-file personnel and management. This will allow the corporation to come up with good tactical plan which will boost the company in realizing its missions and goals. Contribute in various corporate social activities. This is though hiring Colberians and compensating them well. They should also work hard to improve Colberians’ standards of living. Follow the laid US laws to the letter, for instance, environmental laws as well as intellectual property la Assessing PharmaCARE’s environmental initiative against the backdrop of its anti-environmental lobbying efforts and Colberian activities. PharmaCARE exposes its workers to unhealthy working conditions. Many of the employees have been falling sick as a result of inhaling toxic substances arising from the company’s laboratories. Even with full knowledge of the situation, the management has refused to take any remedial action and the workers continue to suffer. Further, the company has been accused of supplying an unsafe drug  to the market that has been associated with many cardiac deaths. As a result of these happenings, the company’s purported environmental stewardship initiative will be rendered ineffective especially in the wake of the lobbying efforts against the company†™s operations in Colberia. The company has engaged in acts that may be considered unethical and socially unacceptable. PharmaCARE therefore lacks the moral authority to spearhead environmental matters since its reputation in the public has been seriously damaged. In addition, the company’s alleged mistreatment of its workers subjects it to sabotage of its environmental efforts especially when the workers’ health continue to deteriorate because of the company’s negligence. Would PharmaCARE’s actions be ethical with respect to the indigenous people of Colberia in accordance with the following ethical theories. Utilitarianism- PharmaCare’s uses Colberian intellectual property because it does maximize resources, but does not promote happiness. People in Colberian work so hard but still live in harsh conditions. They have no pleasure and endure pain, which is a clear depiction of unhappiness. In addition, the workers who are members of the Colberian population suffer due to poor working conditions. PharmaCare’s actions were unethical. Deontology – the compa ny has an â€Å"obligation† to be morally responsible as well as provide healthy working conditions to the employees. The company had been informed of the dangers surrounding the drug production but failed to act accordingly to assist in reducing the risk. PharmaCare’s actions were unethical. Virtue ethics- Virtue ethics is person, rather than action based: it looks at the virtue or moral character of the person carrying out an action, rather than at ethical duties and rules, or the consequences of particular actions (BBC, 2009). Though PharmaCare was justified by intellectual property right to go ahead and carry out its duties, the activities were wrong and unethical since the character of company officials was negative. PharmaCare’s actions were unethical. Ethics of care- by analyzing the company’s actions based on ethics of care, the company’s activities emerge as unethical. As an ethic grounded in voice and relationships, in the importance of everyone having a voice, being listened to carefully and heard with respect. An ethics of care directs our attention to the need for responsiveness in relationships and to the costs of losing connection with oneself or with others (Gilligan, 2011). Since the Colberian people’s response was negative by their complaining,  the entire company’s project was unethical. Your own moral / ethical compass- from a personal point of view, PhamaCare activities were unethical because it had the responsibility of carrying out thorough research before administering any drugs, providing decent working conditions to its employees and educating patients about the negative effects of the drug. Therefore, the fact that the company neglected its duties and received negative responses to activities carried out shows that it was unethical. PharmaCARE’s actions with those of at least one (1) real-world company, whose corporate  activities led to ethical, environmental, or workplace safety issues and financial loss. There are many examples of corporations that have been call out by the public on questions of ethics, environmental responsibility, workplace safety an d financial loss. There are six areas in particular where ethical issues arise in the organizations: compensation; conflicts of interest; publications and solicitation; financial integrity; investment policies; and accountability and strategic management (Rhode & Packet, 2009). Some examples of outrageous unethical behavior by corporation the compare to PharmaCare’s actions: References Andre, R. (2012). Assessing the accountability of the benefit corporation: Will this new gray sector organization enhance corporate social responsibility?. Journal of Business Ethics , 110(1), 13-150. Retrieved from 1254-1 Arenson, K. (1995, June 23). ex-united way leader gets 7 years for embezzlement. New York Times. Retrieved from gets-7-years-for-embezzlement.html BBC. (2009). Ethics guide. Retrieved from Entrepreneur, A. (2014, August). Social responsibility. Entrpreneur, 8(19), Retrieved from Fitzgerald, J. (2009, January 28). Treasury gets tough: Eyes financial bailout abuse. Boston Herald. Retrieved from Gilligan, C. (2011, June 11). ethics of care. Retrieved from Griseri, P., & Seppala, N. (2010). Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hines, C. (2001, ). Localisation: a global manifesto. Retrieved from Panjabikesan, R. (2010). Stakeholders – characteristics and types. Retrieved from—characteristics-and-types Rhode, D. & Packet, A. (2009, June). Ethics and nonprofits. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 11, Retrieved from Sims, R., & Brinkmann, J. (2003). Enron ethics (or culture matters more than codes). Journal of Business Ethics, 45(3), 243,252. Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome essays

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome essays I. A. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was originally described in 1905 by Stein and Leventhal as a syndrome consisting of amenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity in association with enlarged polycystic ovaries. It is now realized that this relatively common syndrome is an extremely heterogenous clinical syndrome that begins soon after menarche and some authors prefer to refer to it as a syndrome of hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation. In fact, earlier studies of PCOS have focused on ovarian morphological findings and were considered to be important diagnostic criteria. However, it was found that polycystic changes of the ovaries were observed in some normally cycling women. Furthermore, polycystic changes of the ovaries were shown to be associated with other well-defined diseases such as Cushing's syndrome, and an ovarian or adrenal tumor capable of producing androgen. B. The root of PCOS is an inability to respond properly to insulin, the hormone produced in the pancreas that allows your body's cells to absorb energy from the food you eat. This means your cells don't respond to the normal amount of insulin, so the pancreas pumps out even more. That's what insulin resistance is and it happens when the body turns carbohydrates, both simple and complex, into glucose that surges into the bloodstream. Insulin travels to the muscle cells, telling them to take glucose from the bloodstream and store it in the liver. As insulin levels in the blood increase, glucose levels in the blood decrease. When blood glucose falls below a certain level, the brain, which needs glucose to function, calls out for more by telling you to eat again. If it doesn't get glucose, the result is drowsiness or lack of mental alertness. This glucose shortage is also known as low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. When hypoglycemia strikes, the liver is unable to replenish blood glucose from its stored supply because eating a carbohydrate-rich meal or drinking a sugary bevera...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Canadas Aid to Third World Co essays

Canada's Aid to Third World Co essays Canada's Aid to Third World Countries In the following Eassy I will state my position on, What are some of the major problems faced by "Third World" Countries today, Who should be held responsible for these problems, Why, What has Canada done to help "Third World Countries", And should Canada increase foreign1 aid to "Third World Countries". There has always been a dominant country in the world that sets the economic standard throughout powerful countries. Canada has always been a top rated economic country, usually behind the United States and other large Commonwealth countries. Starting back in the early to mid 60's, Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau decided to use Canadian revenue as foreign aid. These included "Third World". Some of the major problems faced by "Third World" countries today include poor towns which have had a lack of food sources due to the serious poverty, lack of clean drinking water, lack of good sanitation systems, lack of good living conditions, lack of jobs and there is no industry, therefore no import or export revenue. The governments of the "Third World" countries have done horrible jobs of creating good living conditions for their people and in all have not tried to bring their country out of their economic slump. As Canada entered it second century, Prime Minister Trudeau called for a complete review of Canada's foreign policy. Starting in 1968 interested Canadians including politicians, journalists, professors, business leaders, financial experts, as well as church and labour leaders were invited to offer opinions and advice in what was called the Trudeau Review. The ending of this meeting brought about six foreign policy booklets which outlined Some of these benefits the benefits of Canadian foreign aid. included to help the Canadian economy grow stronger, to keep Canada independent, to work for peace and security, to promote fairne...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Guilt-Free Expressions to Say, You Hurt My Feelings

Guilt-Free Expressions to Say, You Hurt My Feelings When you are hurt, your first instinct is to retaliate. You want to hurt the other person to avenge the pain and suffering you encountered.Revenge is sweet, but the repercussions can often be a disadvantage. As the author of Sometimes a Great Notion, Ken Kesey said, The man who seeks revenge digs two graves. Blinded by anger and ego, men often act beyond their wildest imagination. Thus they begin a circle of vengeance.History  is replete with stories of hurt and revenge. Mighty empires have crumbled because of misguided anger. Ego clashes have wiped out human life in many parts around the world. ​Hurting words have brought the world to the brink of a world war. How can one assuage the hurt feelings? Can you take back the words that hurt another?Just as words can hurt someone, eloquent words of forgiveness can soothe the pain. When you seek unconditional forgiveness and atone for your sins with a good deed, you can reverse the pain.If you have been hurt, you can use these you hurt me quotes to express your anguish. No revenge, no retaliation! A few sincere words are enough to communicate your pain. These words can have a powerful effect on your aggressors conscience. Oscar WildeA gentleman is one who never hurts anyones feelings unintentionally. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowA torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child. English ProverbAnger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. Louisa May Alcott,  Little WomenBecause they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think Ive a right to be hurt, I dont intend to show it. Diana RossCriticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I dont hold on to that. Lady GagaDo you know the feeling, when your heart is so hurt, that you could feel the blood dripping? Toby KeithDont compromise even if it hurts to be yourself. Chris RockFor me, anything goes when I pick up a mike. Im not trying to hurt people - I try not to get too personal but I look at myself as a reporter. If you can report on anything that has to do with pop culture, then why cant I make jokes about it? Yes, it hurts. But I figure that laughter sometimes starts from pain. You might wince, but then I know that Im doing my job. The only thing I can do wrong is not be funny. Ernest HemingwayForget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-dont cheat with it. Christina AguileraIm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldnt do, and Ive hurt myself by hurting you. Frank Sina​tra Oh, I just wish someone would try to hurt you so I could kill them for you. Klaus KinskiSometimes my heart hurts so much, I beat it with my fists. I try to run. But you cannot run from this. It waits for you. Even when you think you have escaped it, it is there. Les BrownForgive those who have hurt you. Angelina JolieI didnt really want to live, so anything that was an investment in time made me angry... but also I just felt sad. When the hopelessness is hurting you, its the fixtures and fittings that finish you off. Alonzo MourningI was hurting. I had some ailments I was dealing with. Its not like I was holding out.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Change in Boiling Point of Water with Molarity Essay

Change in Boiling Point of Water with Molarity - Essay Example In the beaker A NaCl was not dissolved. Concentration of this solution was expressed as 0 molar aqueous solution (0M). In beaker B 5.8gms of NaCl was dissolved and hence a 1 molar aqueous solution (1M) was obtained. In the beaker C 17.4gms of NaCl was dissolved and hence a 3 molar aqueous solution (3M) was obtained. Lastly in the beaker D 29.0gms of NaCl was dissolved and the molarity of this aqueous solution was 5M. It is very clear that boiling point of the solution increases with molarity of the aqueous solution. It implies that the boiling point of water and the amount of dissolved salt, or molarity of the solution, are in direct proportion. If the increase in temperature were to be denoted by t and the molarity of the aqueous solution by M and if k were to be a constant, then, 4) The exact amounts of salt to get 0M, 1M, 3M, 5M aqueous solutions respectively should be dissolved in the water in the beakers. The formula Molarity = Moles of solute/Liters of Solution should be used for this purpose1. Some of controlled variables are Normal Pressure of 1 atmosphere, Identical beakers in all regards like made of same dimensions and material, The burner level, Pure distilled water, etc. The independent variable was the molarity and the dependent variable was the temperature.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Blue print and Distribution of Story Hotel in Stockholm Research Paper

Blue print and Distribution of Story Hotel in Stockholm - Research Paper Example The hotel has facilities made in the contemporary design and of high quality. As a marketing strategy, the management of the hotel encourages its customers to book and make prepayment for services online. To promote online room booking, the management of the hotel offers gift coupons to its customers. The hotel has posy and quiet meeting rooms for the locals of the city and others from outside. The hotel has a perfect distribution that the management uses to offer the best services to visitors at the hotel. The hotel uses the best ways to ensure a smooth and functional distribution channel. The various features of an effective and efficient distribution channel, one needs to ensure segregation that is dynamic. This involves marking services and products that create most profits to the business. In devising the various segments, the management takes into consideration the technical details to avoid instances that make the marketers have challenges in choose. A well segmented strategy provides utmost solution to the challenges that may come up in implementing a perfect channel of distribution. In the case of Story hotel, for instance, the online booking and prepayment strategy used by the management reflects itself in the real experience that its visitors get. This provides a harmony in terms of image communicated through such online distribution and what the service provision to visitors. The channel used should ensure utmost income from revenues, achieved by distributing the desired proportion of facilities and other services in the most profitable channel, in the segmentation. The central reservation system refers to an inventory management using a central system integrated in the chain of supply of the business. Central reservation systems applied by most hotels contain reservation codes for visitors who have already booked for the services. It contains hotel services given for small hotel chains as well as individual hotels. A global distribution system show s the charges for a number of services offered by a business, such as hotels. It is prone to some challenges since the various rates as well as the availability is always not updated and may confuse clients. Access to the system is complex and connection to it requires a switch which is challenging to find. This makes the various considerations made while selecting a channel of distribution of utmost necessity. The distribution intermediaries should have the ability to make sales of the rooms using a variety of channels that are in multiples. The services offered by customers should be complete. The intermediaries should bear the mandate of vital activities in marketing. A business should choose a proper intermediary that offers additional services as expense controls. There is a high probability that excess rooms can be allocated while maintaining the image of the business. Online intermediaries are prone to risks, as well. There are possibilities of challenges over the control on rates as well as on the availability. There are instances of mounting pressure over the margins, emanating from the intermediaries. The content of the site may, as well, call for high maintenance. There exists the escalation use of social media with the least control that poses

What My Parents Told Me (How I learnt about sexuality) Essay

What My Parents Told Me (How I learnt about sexuality) - Essay Example That solely depends on one’s experiences. The experiences of one who has been sexually abused in the childhood or at the hands of a spouse can never be compared to those experienced by one who has always seen healthy romantic and sexual relationships. Love or hate about sex depends on how one perceives sex, and how one experiences sex in life. I have always been deprived of proper sexual education right from my adolescence into my adulthood, which led to my suffering from fear of sex, and HSSD later on in life. In this paper, I reflect upon how I learned about sex and sexuality when I was an adolescent, and how the lack of parental support and sex education led to my deteriorated concept of sex. I would also reflect upon why there is a need for a full fledge program regarding sexual education in schools. I would also describe what HSSD is, to explain what I was going through. To me, sex had always been a taboo. My parents had never spoken to me openly about sex and sexual issu es. When I stepped into adolescence, sex became a mystery thing for me. With no sexual education at home or in school, I thought about sex as a dangerous activity. Aunt Sally was there to guide me a bit. She had told me to go to her if a boy approached me or tried to lure me into sexual activities. She said, â€Å"When you start feeling like you want to be kissed by a boy come to me first, you and I will discuss birth control.† She wanted to tell me about birth control; however, her warning struck me in a negative sense, so I started fearing the word of sex and thought of it as a harmful activity. I was 12 at that time. My mother had told me her stories of horrible experiences about sex, and thus, I was unconsciously fearful about the whole thing. She was sexually abused at the hands of my step-father, and for her, sex was all about a dick and getting fucked. This story got validated when I was myself raped at the age of sixteen by my boyfriend. I had become pregnant, and I l ost my child five months later. This deteriorated the concept of sex and romantic love in my view. I had my first alive child when I was eighteen, in California. Even that did not improve my concept of sex. I was afraid to indulge in sexual activities or have a partner. I lost interest in sex, which proved that I was suffering from Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSSD). My body stopped responding to physical stimuli regarding sex. I never felt like advancing to solicit sexual desires, and I cringed when the sun would set. I gained no sexual knowledge from the media. Actually, I loathed media for exposing my and many others innocent children to a wrong perception of sex. When I reflect upon my life experiences about sex, I become convinced that United States should have a national policy on sex education (Lindberg & Maddow Zimet, 2012). Many advocates are working in collaboration with individuals from health sector and sexuality education, to bring forward national sexuality educa tion standards. The main objective of these national standards and policies is to offer understandable, reliable and simple assistance on the sexual education, which is right for the age and developmental phase of students belonging to Grades K–12. There is need for such a national policy that addresses the issue of minimum core content. In other words, educators and parents need to decide what minimum level of sexuality should be taught to what age. Should a second grader be taught what AIDS means and how it is transmitted? Should a third grader be made familiar with the birth control programs? There is need to devise such a policy that fosters age-appropriate sex education. Without such a national policy, it is very likely that our children will keep on getting indulged in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 3

Strategic Management and Leadership - Essay Example The company’s headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee. The corporation has many major divisions working under it which are like FedEx Express, FedEx Freight, FedEx Services and FedEx Ground. Among all these the flagship segment for the company is its FedEx Express which is the global leader in shipment industry providing the best quality service tot eh customers over the years continuously. The company has its business operations spread across in totally 220 countries with 300,000 employees, 660 aircrafts and 90,000 vehicles ready to perform at their best to provide the best quality service to the customers across all the countries. The company has been rated in the top 100 companies across the world in Fortune magazine and also has been ranked among the top 10 companies that are been admired globally in 2009 (FedEx, 2014). The corporation has got the highest number of aircrafts for shipment purpose than other companies in the shipment industry present in the global world. In 20 12, in US the company had a market share of 49% and also had a dream to grow continuously and capturing 15-20% of the market share in the global market having its good presence in mostly all the countries. The company’s net operating income value is around $2 billion and the revenue of the company is approximately $42 billion, in this 80% of the income generated for the company is from its flagship service FedEx Express which has been on the top of shipment of goods among all the other competitors present in the market. Many big companies like Apple have trusted over FedEx for their shipment process and they have used the service of FedEx to ship their products and parts to different parts of the world. Looking at the financial report of the company over the last few years it can be seen that the company has grown in a huge way in the last few years and has increased its market share and revenue with a good percentage over the previous years.

Company report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company report - Essay Example From manufacturing and installation of modern orbit presses till the repair, maintenance and troubleshooting of the presses as well. The Sizer is the innovation body of pellet manufacturing presses. The pellet manufacturing operations of the Sizer Ltd is competing with rivals, where the challenges are more enough to survive in industry. 1. Remit The boundary of this study is confined under management and financial factors to analyze. We will initially focus on the factors of SWOT analysis of the Sizer Ltd and the industrial factors facing by the firm. The Sizer Ltd dealing with two dimensions, first consists on the pellet manufacturing and supplying operations where the number of competitors are large whereas the Sizer is facilitating in three different large markets of the world. Next operation of this firm based on the engineering and technical support division, which provides the pellets manufacturing presses. In pellets presses industry, the Sizer is the global leader which innov ate this technology in mid-nineties. 2. Background of Sizer Ltd History of Sizer Ltd consists on the combination of engineering innovation as well as the quality manufacturing of pellets. A British pioneer engineer established Sizer Ltd in 1899 in Hull, England. The first ever pallet manufacturing press was designed by the Albert Sizer, son of Sizer’s founder with the name and style of Cuber. ... The basic robust designs rapidly improve to meet the market requirements of quality efficiency and the cost effectiveness and become the familiar Orbit Pellet Press. Simultaneously, Sizer providing the wide range of pallet presses and the spare parts with technical supports which includes the maintenance and installation of presses. The most selling press of Sizer, Orbit presses is the most efficient more for manufacturing of pallets, the main characteristics of Orbit is easy for installation and adaptable for bespoke applications. This use in diverse industries like manufacturing of animal feed, charcoal briquetting, biomass, malting and flour millings. It has capacity from 200kg / hour to 10000kg / hour range availability which depends on material and type of manufacturing. Year 2008, the industry of pellet producing was sacrificing for the impacts of recession, which shows in Figure 2 that lower quantity of pellet manufacturing stoves sold and installed whereas, only boilers sold out by the Sizer because of barrier of new entry in industry but the only capacity enhancement through the boilers. (See Figure 2) 3. Method and Tool of Analysis We choose the SWOT as best analysis tool to identify the strength, weaknesses, threads and weaknesses of Sizer Ltd and the competitors as well. SWOT Analysis is the more frequently and easily understandable tool to identify the international factors of the firms which exhibit all the internal and external factors to understand the current position of the firm and the market or industry, furthermore, it helps to create the strategies of future to more stabilize the firm and achieve the organizational goals by capturing the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 3

Strategic Management and Leadership - Essay Example The company’s headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee. The corporation has many major divisions working under it which are like FedEx Express, FedEx Freight, FedEx Services and FedEx Ground. Among all these the flagship segment for the company is its FedEx Express which is the global leader in shipment industry providing the best quality service tot eh customers over the years continuously. The company has its business operations spread across in totally 220 countries with 300,000 employees, 660 aircrafts and 90,000 vehicles ready to perform at their best to provide the best quality service to the customers across all the countries. The company has been rated in the top 100 companies across the world in Fortune magazine and also has been ranked among the top 10 companies that are been admired globally in 2009 (FedEx, 2014). The corporation has got the highest number of aircrafts for shipment purpose than other companies in the shipment industry present in the global world. In 20 12, in US the company had a market share of 49% and also had a dream to grow continuously and capturing 15-20% of the market share in the global market having its good presence in mostly all the countries. The company’s net operating income value is around $2 billion and the revenue of the company is approximately $42 billion, in this 80% of the income generated for the company is from its flagship service FedEx Express which has been on the top of shipment of goods among all the other competitors present in the market. Many big companies like Apple have trusted over FedEx for their shipment process and they have used the service of FedEx to ship their products and parts to different parts of the world. Looking at the financial report of the company over the last few years it can be seen that the company has grown in a huge way in the last few years and has increased its market share and revenue with a good percentage over the previous years.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

An Analysis on the Business Strategy of Sony Essay

An Analysis on the Business Strategy of Sony - Essay Example But, their profit was quite short lived. Sony Ericsson mobiles produced at low cost did not deliver the expected quality, leading to mass losses from 2006. Sony Company reported nearly 77% loss for the seventh consecutive year since then, on August, 2012 (, 2012). Social Factors: Sony Eriksson’s affordable mobiles got an image such that they were for college students. The competition from the local Chinese company produced phones and the South Korean rival, LG electronics was very high. LG was financially stronger than Sony Ericsson and it kept introducing new luxury mobiles one after another. The targeted the well earning businessmen who had high potential to spend. Technological Factors: Sony was very quick to eliminate the quality issues when it came to technology. They introduced the W800 and W810 mobiles, the first in the Sony Walkman line to tackle the competition from the LG products. Sony Ericsson continuously proved they were superior to the other brands in tec hnology. They were the first to introduce mobiles with 1 megapixel and 2 megapixel camera. Sony Cyber-shot was the first of its kind with 45 minutes continuous video shooting. They designed the first Java based 3D gaming phones as well as the Bluetooth enabled phones. Most of the features found in modern day smart phones were first introduced only in the Sony Ericsson phones, making them one of the best MMS mobiles in the market. Legal Factors: The Company faced several legal complaints regarding their quality in the initial stages of collaboration, before they started producing technically enhanced mobiles. They made use of the stringent laws of the Chinese government to improve their technology and became one of the best companies to produce minimal...Political Factors: The Chinese government rightly predicted the invasion of foreign companies in their mobile market before a decade. This increased the production cost of the 3G handsets Sony Ericsson produced. Sony Ericsson mobiles produced at low cost did not deliver the expected quality, leading to mass losses from 2006. Sony Ericsson continuously proved they were superior to the other brands in technology. Sony Ericsson is now legally known only as Sony. Sony introduced the new Sony Xperia series in various models. This eliminates huge competition for the local market and reduces the headset production cost for the Sony Company. All the major smart phone companies in the world target the Asian especially Chinese market. The new Sony Xperia and Bravia series also contribute significantly to the company’s profits. Cash Cows: Sony Xperia J series, tipo and miro phones targetting the middle class market fetch good profits. Sony Ericsson established itself as the best multimedia phone and music phones in the market. Sony targeted the Asian market when the competition from other brands like LG was very high. It created a negative image for the company. Sony’s competitors like Nokia reduced their other involvements in consumer products industry and stared concentration only on the Smart phone market. This enables them to give superior mobiles at a cost lower than Sony. Sony Ericsson always placed their customers in front of others. The current Sony Company strongly believes it had lost nothing, compared to their initial profits.

Monday, October 14, 2019

An American Gaucho in Argentina Essay Example for Free

An American Gaucho in Argentina Essay I. Identification of Problems With the development of economic integration globally, man is beginning a new era of global negotiation. Cross-cultural business negotiations that between business people who from different countries with different mentalities and cultures are becoming more and more frequent. At present, people gradually concern the problems, which are triggered by cross-cultural business negotiations. American Great Plains Foods was a manufacturer and marketer meat products that was founded in 1896. It grew into international company that people relied on for Great Plains strong brand. Comidas Gaucho is well-known Argentina food processor which was targeted by Great Plains look into forming an alliance for South American market. Peter Fuller was sent out as Great Plains representative to reach a cooperative agreement with Comidas Gaucho. Peters Argentina trip which takes place over a period of three days, is not as what is originally expected. The main reason for the failure of Peters Argentina trip is that a lack of understanding Argentina business etiquette, as well as cultural differences. Peter ignored the cultural differences of cross-cultural business negotiations had a significant impact. Most of the problems in case are caused by the lack of understanding of Argentinian advance by Peter. For example, wearing a short shirt, Peter appeared in Ezeiza International airport is filled with people who are wearing coats, which is sufficient to prove that Peter didnt prepare at all for his Argentina trip. II. Analysis and Evaluation The chart below is based on Hofstedes five cultural dimensions (Geert-Hofstede, 2014). We can see one of the largest score difference is on uncertainty avoidance between Argentina and U.S. According to Hofstede, â€Å"Uncertainty Avoidance is referring to a lack of tolerance for ambiguity and a need for formal rules and policies. This dimension measures the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations.† (Hofstede, 1980) The UAI was designed to test how comfortable are people with changing the way they work on live (low UA) or prefer the known systems (high UA). With high score of 86, Argentinian senior managers tend to focus on the daily  operations of the organization. They advocate conscientious with strict formal management system, the decision-making are must talking to the experts. However, on the uncertainty avoidance, the United States at a score of 46 which is roughly half that of Argentina. American senior managers are willing to spend more attention to the organizations strategies, the managers tend to use their personal experience and intuition to make decisions. In this case, Peter was anxious to make a showing alliances and intentions. Even Comidas Gaucho managers eschewing his proposal, or they cannot make such important decision in any time soon, Peter have tried to established the strategic alliance with Comidas Gaucho out many times. As mentioned before, Comidas Gaucho is a high UA organization which is like a precision machine, its parts match exactly an integral part of. The staffs in all levels of the organization are work in close conjunction with each other to eliminate uncertainty the maximum extent possible. However, Americans have consciousness of competition. As well as they pursuing speed and profits, which created American businessman resolutely commercial style. They will try to shorten the time in all aspects of the negotiations, and strive to make each a negotiation can be a quick fix. The one true measure of how a negotiation process, is depends how many problems have solved. Americans have a unique sense of value for time: time is money. It is reflected in the use of English words, such as: Time is on, it is kept, it can be borrowed, it can be used, it can be saved, it can be spent, it can be wasted, it can be lost, it can be given, it can be killed, and so on. Americans schedule decide what they do, what not to do, and what need to be done first. Time totally weaving a network of American life, decisions and coordinates the relationship between the Americans. Peter was very dissatisfied with Comidas Gaucho representatives late, but Jorge is irrelevant. Concept of time in some South America countries are not so strong, late for them is not unforgivable. According to Creegan (2012), â€Å"the Argentines descended from the boats†, most of Argentines are descendants of European migrants, with emphasis on British and Italians (Creegan, 2012). Thereby, Argentine business man generally pay attention to clothing, demeanor and generous rules. Peters casual attire is not perceived as appropriate in doing business. He also overlooks some other business etiquette of Argentina. Argentine are eager to share their yerba mate with  the guests, but Peter shows obvious objection of the yerba mate, while Argentine would see this as Peters disrespect for the local traditions. Argentine run away from the controversial issues as politics and religion issues, but Peter discussed the sensitive matter Falklands with Jorge around their dinner tables. (Durrer, 2006) III. Recommendations People often think that others ideas will be roughly the same as themselves, but it is dangerous for cross-cultural communication. In the process of cross-cultural communication, the negotiator have to constantly remind ourselves that people have different cultural backgrounds, different customs. Peter must learning to observe Argentine culture, also need to contrast Argentine culture with American culture, in order to gradually improve his cross-cultural awareness. Patience is very important during do business with Argentine. Peter cannot expect the strategic alliance could be formed by one meeting. Peter could accepted what Eduardo suggested. May be Eduardos Iowa trip could promote the two companies agreement. References Creegan, J. K. (2012). The Argentines Descended from the Boats: Migration in Argentina Retrieved from: Durrer, H. (2006). Ways of Perception. On Visual and Intercultural Communication. White Lotus Press, Bangkok, 2006, ISBN 974-4800-92-5. Anonymous. (2014). What about Argentina? The Hofstede Centre. Retrieved from:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Performance Management and the Law

Performance Management and the Law Carlos M Garcia   Introduction: Within an organization there are many different ways to follow and obeyed employees regulations laws. These laws are governed by federal, state and judicial legislation, made to avoid lawsuits, discrimination, and to equalize bargaining power between employers and employees. According to (Smither, J. W., London, M., 2009), information would be required based on employees performance management to take further action either against or in favor of the individual. It is legally allowed to support supervisors/ managers and the organization in case of legal action from an employee. To approach these situations, the organization should follow certain steps to be fair to its employees and meet the U.S. federal regulations laws for employee personnel actions. To minimize the risk of employee-initiated litigation, employers must develop a checklist with the points necessary to ensure compliance with fair, consistent and legally sound performance evaluation systems. Such as, Inform employees in advance of performance evaluation standards. When hiring a new employee or adopting new standards, supervisors must update job descriptions and performance assessment forms, and copies should be given to all affected employees. Document all performance problems on a regular basis and on appropriate evaluation or gradual disciplinary action forms it should be very important for the records. An accurate format for conducting the evaluations allows the most complete and accurate recording of the information. Informality, on the other hand, can lead to discrimination claims. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Miller, F., n.d.). Also, give employees meaningful feedback because a vague, generalized or subjective assessments can lead to litigation. For example, when bosses tolerate an employee with performance problems for months and then suddenly give him a negative assessment and dismiss him, the employee can claim that the action was arbitrary or discriminatory and may be able to show that he was not given an opportunity to improve. Therefore, it should be essential to train supervisors in evaluating employee performance and how to manage the companys assessment system. Every organizations policies and procedures must comply based on federal and state laws related to employees, which allows equal employment opportunity, sexual harassment, safety, and much more. It is the organizations responsibility to provide every employee the policies and procedures related to federal laws such as the standards of conduct, nondiscrimination, benefits, etc. At Comcast, every employee must have a policy pocket book with them at all the time, and every year they need to review the handbook and acknowledge it. The organization must maintain new and old employees informed about U.S. federal regulation equally to all employees. A performance evaluation based on invalid outcomes can lead to adverse impacts, such as, discrimination, involve personal issues, and other situations that can lead to legal actions. For the same reason, legally defensible performance evaluation system must be implemented. Therefore, evaluators must personally know employees performance. The system adverse impact it will always exist some way or another, but it could minimize by continuous system reviews to keep a positive performance appraisal and fairly to all employees equally. Based on (Smither, J. W., London, M., 2009), by including contextual performance as part of the job performance criteria will actually reduce adverse impact in selection since the predictors of contextual performance have little adverse impact (Smither, J. W., London, M., 2009), There are different methods to evaluate performance management within an organization. Since it is not an easy task to assess the performance management to all individuals using criteria of fairness and justice, and at the same time stimulating them (Gilliland, S. Langdon, J., 1998). Therefore, to ensure fairness in the performance process: The organization should develop a system where all employees meets the needs as customers, this way the evaluation will reflect how customers would rate them, if employees do not accept the performance appraisal outcomes the system will not meet the needs and it will result in a conflict (Gilliland, S. Langdon, J., 1998). The opportunity to evaluate managers and supervisors will give employee a sense of fairness. It will help to impove the organization on various different aspect, it will help to identify any issues within the workplace related to sexual harassment, discrimination, favoritism, etc. Value employees opinions and let them participate in situations where the individual can be valued for his/ her performance. Conclusion Therefore, in order to achieve the objectives proposed by the organizations, they must have a suitable staff to compete in the demanding business environment. Therefore, it is important to express that the performance evaluation plays a fundamental role in the companies since through it is possible to determine which is more competent personnel to carry out the activities inherent to the positions. It can be concluded that when considering the human resource as a decisive factor and an important asset, well-defined performance evaluation policies must be implemented to detect failures within organizations, in order to achieve favorable changes in their structure and performance, and maintain a relationship of justice and fairness with all workers. References Gilliland, S.S., Langdon, J.C. (1998). Creating performance management systems that  promote systems of fairness. Josey Bass, 209-243 Miller, F. (n.d.). Ethical discrimination in the workplace. Retrieved on March 22, 2017,  from (Links to an external site.) Smither, J. W., London, M. (Eds.). (2009). Performance management: Putting research into  action (Vol. 21). John Wiley Sons.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Evolution Of The Pc And Microsoft Essay -- essays research papers

The Evolution of the PC and Microsoft   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Xerox, Apple, IBM, and Compaq all played major roles in the development of the Personal Computer, or  ³PC, ² and the success of Microsoft. Though it may seem so, the computer industry did not just pop-up overnight. It took many years of dedication, hard-work, and most importantly, thievery to turn the personal computer from a machine the size of a Buick, used only by zit-faced  ³ nerds, ² to the very machine I am typing this report on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Xerox started everything off by creating the first personal computer, the ALTO, in 1973. However, Xerox did not release the computer because they did not think that was the direction the industry was going. This was the first of many mistakes Xerox would make in the next two decades. So, in 1975, Ed Roberts built the Altair 80800, which is largely regarded as the first PC. However, the Altair really served no real purpose. This left computer-lovers still yearning for the  ³perfect ² PC...actually, it didn ¹t have to be perfect, most  ³nerds ² just wanted their computer to do SOMETHING.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The burning need for a PC was met in 1977, when Apple, a company formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, released it ¹s Apple II. Now the nerds were satisfied, but that wasn ¹t enough. In order to catapult the PC in to a big-time product, Apple needed to make it marketable to the average Joe. This was made possible by Vi...

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Can of Bull

A Can of Bull? Impulse Energy Drink Charley’s List of Questions Energy is the capacity to do work 1. Nature of each ingredient on the cans: Xcitrusblast: Amino acid: l-taurine, l-glutamine, Acid: Citric acid, pantothenic acid, hcl Concentrated water-based extraction: adaptogen blend Sugar: sucralose, acesulfame potassium, Vitamin: Niacin, cyanocobalamin Energy: Caffeine Salt: sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, Dye: yellow 5 Redbull: Amino acid: taurine Acid: glucuranolactone, pyridoxine HCL Sugar: sucrose, glucose Vitamin: niacin, D-pantothenol, vitamin B12 Energy: caffeineSalt: sodium citrate, Dye: colors Sobe Adrenaline Rush: Amino acid: taurine, Acid: citric acid, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride Sugar: high fructose corn syrup, , Vitamin: monopotassium phosphate, beta-carotine, folic acid, Energy: caffeine, Siberian ginseng, Salt: sodium citrate, Dye: caramel color Impulse: Amino acid: taurine Sugar: sucrose Vitamin: niacinimide, C, B12, Energy: caffeine, Dye:color s 2. Acesulfame Potassium (Sunett) – Arti? cial sweetener to provide taste. Aspartame- Low calorie arti? cial sweetener that provides taste. Ca? eine- Some studies have shown that ca? ine may improve memory and reasoning responses on tests Citric Acid- It is a precursor for the citric acid cycle (Kreb’s Cycle), which is a major pathway in the cell’s production of chemical energy. Cyanocobalamin- Important for growth, cell reproduction, blood formation, and protein and tissue synthesis. Folic Acid- Required for metabolism of carbon compounds, nucleic acids, and amino acids. Fructose – Can be converted into a form for entry into the primary metabolic pathway in which the chemical energy of its bonds is converted into ATP, the primary â€Å"energy† molecule in the body.Glucose – Enters the primary metabolic pathway in which the chemical energy of its bonds is converted into ATP, the primary â€Å"energy† molecule in the body. â€Å" Glu curonolactone- It is a normal human metabolic byproduct formed from glucose. Glucuronolactone is found in connective tissue in animals. Also regulates formation of glycogen. Small amounts shouldn’t be harmful. 1-Glutamine – Aids in muscle building and maintenance. Inositol – Controls cholesterol levels and has potential antioxidant capabilities. Niacin (nicotinic acid) – Derivatives such as NADH are required for metabolism.It is said to aid in the synthesis of amino acids, the subunits of proteins. It has not been directly linked to improving athletic performance. Niacinamide Pantothenic Acid (also known as D-pantothenol) – Precursor of coenzyme A. Helps you use fats and carbohydrates to make molecules used for energy. Potassium sorbate †¢ Chemical formula: C6 – Used to inhibit fungal growth in foods. Pyridoxine HCL – Energy production, e? cient metabolic functioning, protein digestion, as well as maintaining healthy nervous syst em, skin, hair and nails. Sucralose (splenda) – Arti? cial sweetener to provide taste.Sucrose – Can be converted into a form for entry into the primary metabolic pathway in which the chemical energy of its bonds is converted into ATP, the primary â€Å"energy† molecule in the body. 1-Taurine – Improved reaction time, concentration, and memory (not proven); essential amino acid for cats. Water – Essential for physiological processes. 3. Caffeine, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine hcl, Sucrose 4. Cyanocobalamin Post Research Analysis: IMPULSE Sources of Energy Amino Acids Stimulants & Vitamins Other Pyridoxine HCl Sucrose Glucuronolactone Inositol 1-Taurine Caffeine Vitamin B12Vitamin C Niacinamide Artificial flavors Colors Carbonated Water Questions 1. Energy is the ability to do work 2. Water- Essential for physiological processes Sucrose- Can be converted into a form for entry into the primary metabolic pathway in which the chemical energy of its bonds is converted into ATP, the primary â€Å"energy† molecule in the body Taurine- : Improved reaction time, concentration, and memory (not proven); essential amino acid for cats. Glucuronolactone- It is a normal human metabolic byproduct formed from glucose. Glucuronolactone is found in connective tissue in animals.Also regulates formation of glycogen. Small amounts shouldn’t be harmful. Caffeine- Some studies have shown that ca? eine may improve memory and reasoning responses on tests; other studies have shown that ingesting 3-9mg of ca? eine one hour before physical activity improves endurance running and cycling in athletes. No adverse e? ects inhumans have been documented. Inositol- Controls cholesterol levels and has potential antioxidant capabilities Niacinimide- component of the coenzymes NAD and NADP, important in the redox reactions of metabolism pyridoxine HCL- Energy production, e? ient metabolic functioning, protein digestion, as well as maintaining healthy n ervous system, skin, hair and nails. h e B-compound vitamins are probably the single most important set of factors needed for proper maintenance of the nervous system as well as proper functioning of the cell and its energy metabolism vitamin C- : It is a precursor for the citric acid cycle (Kreb’s Cycle), which is a major pathway in the cell’s production of chemical energy vitamin B12- : Important for growth, cell reproduction, blood formation, and protein and tissue synthesis ) Pyridoxine HCl – Energy production; Sucrose, Glucuronolactone, and Inositol – all converted into ATP b) None. 3. Ca? eine is a mild CNS stimulant with a transient e? ect. 4. They help your energy boost for the short while 5. Yes, the analysis does support the claim that Impluse is an energy drink. Pyridoxine HCl, sucrose, glucuronolactone, and inositol are all sources of energy. 6. Yes, the drink could serve different purpose depending on the consumer.For instance, if the consume r is an athlete, he/she could use the drink as a source of energy, to perform better. It helps improve endurance in running, cycling, improve reaction time and concentration and Astor normal everyday people it can speed up metabolism, help control cholesterol, give energy, help maintain healthy nervous system, even improve reasoning skills on tests. If the consumer is a student, however, he/she could use the drink again as a source of energy but perhaps to work better in school, stay up to study, and do homework. . Sugar hyperglycema can occur in high in takes of sugar Caffeine hallucinations and suicide 8. No sugar doesn't cause hyperactive activity. 9. Your body uses sleep as a rebuilding time for muscles. Your muscles use energy most efficiently. If they never have time to recover then they cannot work properly. Therefore your energy can be depleted. However, lack of energy can be a sign of more serious issues such as anemia or thyroid problems. If this is an on going problem you should definitely consult your physician. 0. Yes, the energy drink contains ingredients like caffeine to temporary allow you to be boost your energy along with others and pyridoxine which helps keep a healthy nervous system some vitamins. And also has multiple ingredients to increase metabolism 11. If given the option between a can of Coke or one of the energy drinks, one should choose the energy drink. This is because the energy drink has fairly lower calorie count and less sugar. Also, the energy drinks provide more energy and have certain vitamins.Also, I would rather buy an an energy drink because it would benefit you better than buying a coke that gives no nutrition at all but instead just full of caffeine and sucrose for energy. At least with impulse you get some nutritional benefit out of it. However, energy drink is only good if taken in moderation. Assessment After conducting the assessment on the Impulse energy drink, we’ve concluded that the marketing claim for th is particular drink does prove to be legitimate and is supported by the ingredients of the drink.The drink does, in fact, acquire its energy from nutrients, minerals, and vitamins such as the ones listed on the nutrition facts. The marketing claim does not leave off any ingredients and directly inform the consumers of how each functions and its purpose. However, one thing that the marketing claim does forget to mention is that the drink should only be consumed in moderation because of the harmful effects it could have on the body if consumed in massive amounts.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits

Habit as defined in Webster’s as a: a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance b : an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2011). Behavior is the manner of conducting oneself or anything that an organism does involving action and response to stimulation. In everyday life habits are formed and intertwined with ones behavior. People are often associated with the way they behave based on the environment they come from and the habits they develop from that environment. Behavioral Theorists believe learning experiences as the development of our personality. During these developmental years the environment has the greatest influence on the personality. This influence is reinforced by positive or negative rewards. Classic conditioning explains many behavioral reaction patterns. When a person receives positive reinforcement of a behavior (reward), they develop this behavior as part of their own. A person will continue to perform a certain action because of the reward at the end of the action. An Actor receives a Grammy for outstanding performance. That actor will try to perform this action again in the next movie they are in. On the other hand, negative reinforcement (punishment) will elicit a response to not perform that behavior again. (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). If you put your finger in an electric socket the electric shock will influence you not to perform this habit again. John B. Watson was instrumental in the development of the behavioral learning approach. Watson believed in the experimental method and if psychology were to be a science, then only the observable behavior was a reasonable matter of science (Friedman & Schustack, 2009). He looked at obvious behaviors that could be learned and controlled by the therapist. During his experiments Watson used animals and not human subjects. He believed he could get the same results from animals that others did using humans. Traditional behaviorism identifies two basic types of conditioning. Classic conditioning is defined by the repeated exposure of an unconditioned stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response and a neutral stimulus. The developed neutral stimulus can develop the same response as the unconditioned stimulus. B. F. Skinner developed the more radical approach of Operant conditioning. Operant conditioning results when a behavior is followed by reinforcement or punishment (Burger, 2010). Social cognitive personality development has some similarity as behaviorism. Behavioral and Social learning theories consists of four characteristic: Behaviorism, Basic Principles of Conditioning, Social Learning theory, and Social-Cognitive Theory. Behavioral is regarded as â€Å"attitude change, language acquisition, psychotherapy, student-teacher interaction, problem solving, gender roles, and job satisfaction. † Social learning is regarded as â€Å"thoughts, morals, expectancies, and individual insights† (Burger, 2010). Social-Cognitive theory as described by Albert Bandura engages in thinking and symbolic learning from observation. Behaviorism holds that people are conditioned, or trained, to respond in certain ways by rewards and punishments. Bandura suggested that there must be a way that people can learn simply by watching others, thereby removing the need to learn everything by monotonous trial-and-error (Krapp, 2005). People learn by observing others, with the environment, behavior, and cognition all as the chief factors in influencing development. These three factors are not stagnant or self-sufficient; rather, they are all shared. According to social learning theory, modeling influences learning primarily through its informative functions. As the observers in our environment we retain a portion of the modeled behavior, which then serves as a blueprint for the behavior. This type of learning incorporates four components: attention, retention, motor, and motivational processes that help to understand why individuals imitate socially desirable behavior (Krapp, 2005). Habits are developed from childhood into adulthood. Good and bad habits are formed during this time based on behavior and social influences. In today’s society our bad habits are more noticeable than our good ones. We are always trying to correct someone from doing something we would not do or say, yet we do not understand why they behave the way they do. Some families develop household habits that last a lifetime and can be passed from child to child. These childhood habits are hard to break and require years of reconditioning. Some become part of your way of life. In my family one of the many habits I developed or inherited, was to eat eggs with jelly all over them. Yes that is right!! You mix the jelly in with the eggs and that is how they are eaten. My father ate his eggs that way, his father ate eggs the same way and so did my Great Grandfather. I have yet to break this habit. My father reinforced this habit by providing praise and allowing me to try different jellies on my eggs. The more he paid attention to this behavior the more I performed the act. He had no idea he was conditioning me to perform a certain action based on his praise/reward. Until I studied behaviorism I had no idea this was a form of conditioning. This was not something he taught me, this was a behavior I observed as part of my family environment. Once I tried the eggs with jelly, I like the taste and this became part of my habits when eating scrambled eggs. For my children I allow them to have free will and eat what they like and how they like it. My six year old likes ketchup on her broccoli. This is not learned from observation, this is just her. of his is a good example of behavior of the family that influenced one of my habits. While serving in the Military, I developed a social habit that is wide spread in the Army. Using acronyms is a large part of the military language. We use this as part of our social communication. If you do not know or understand the terminology you are not â€Å"Hooah† enough. Some may say that situation is FUBAR (Fouled up Beyond All Recognition). I contribute my behavior more to the social cognitive theories of observation. My behavior has been shaped from observing others around me and taking bits and pieces from each of them and incorporating those behaviors into my personality. To this day I am an observer of others behavior. Good or bad, I have the free will to make a determination on what parts I will use to become part of my personality. This is why I disagree with the behaviorism theorist. I have not received reward or punishment for my behavior. Good, bad, or indifferent, my personality has not been affected by treating me like a lab rat and performing behavior changing experiments on me. I believe some personalities do need operant conditioning, mine is just not one of them. For those personalities developed from socially unacceptable environments, some form of conditioning is necessary to develop a socially acceptable behavior. The first course of action is to take them out of the environment and allow them to see a more positive behavior. The saying goes you can take the child out f the country, but you cannot take the country out of the child (country can be substituted with any negative environment). I have worked hard to eat eggs the way it is socially accepted. In public I will eat the way it is expected for you to eat, but this differs from environment to environment. In Germany, boiled eggs are egg more served than scrambled. Thereby I adjust to the environment I am exposed to. At home I can eat the way I want to and enjoy my eggs and jelly. Some habits you just do not want to change. I enjoy the taste of a finely cooked, scrambled egg and grape jelly.

Market Analysis

Market Analysis Bubble tea is specialist drink increasingly being offered in cafes, coffees shops and bars. It originates from Asia and is made up  of hot or cold tea, milk,  sugar and giant black  tapioca balls. Ice is then added and the drink shaken to create the bubble effect. Bubbletea is often referred to as pearl shake, tapioca ball drink; boba ice tea and bubble drink  among other things. Owing to their influences, bubble tea  cafes are often Asian-themed in decor and may alsosell Asian snacks and food.They are often situated in fashionable areas of cities,  populated by urban professionals with high disposable incomes and an interest inalternative eating and drinking venues. Bubble tea is a tea beverage that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. The term â€Å"bubble†refers to the tapioca balls in the drink. These chewy tapioca balls, or â€Å"pearls,†Ã‚  areconsumed along with the beverage through a wide straw. Bubble tea is especially popular  in ma ny East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as Taiwan, Brunei, China(including Hong Kong and Macau), Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea,Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and  Australia.Bubble tea is a mixture of iced or hot sweetened tea, milk, and often other flavorings. Thedistinctive characteristics of bubble tea are the black gummy balls made of tapioca (or,more commonly in East Asia, yam starch), called â€Å"pearls† or â€Å"boba† or balls that sit at the  bottom of the cup. The pearls are larger than those found in tapioca pudding, with adiameter of at least 6 millimeters, but smaller ones are occasionally used. They aregenerally translucent brown with a darker brown center, although pearls of other colors or  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœjelly cubes' have also recently become available.The original bubble tea consisted of a hot Taiwanese black tea, tapioca pearls, condensedmilk, and honey. As this drink became more popular, variations were created. Initiallyiced v ersions with a hint of peach or plum flavoring began to appear, and then more fruitflavors were added until, in some  variations, the tea was removed entirely in favor of  realfruits. Today you can find shops entirely devoted  to bubble tea, similar to bubble teacafes of the early 1990s. They usually contain colored pearls that are chosen  to matchwhatever fruit juice is used, in addition to  brightly colored oversize straws for sucking upthe pearls.Bubble tea is generally split into two types: fruit-flavored teas, and milk teas. Milk teasmay use dairy or non-dairy creamers. The mixtures that make up  bubble tea vary. Several examples of flavors are strawberry,  passion fruit, mango, chocolate, and coconut, and may be added in the form of powder,fruit juice, pulp, or syrup to hot black or green tea, which is shaken in a cocktail shaker or  mixed in a blender  with ice until chilled. The mixture is usually combined with milk  andcooked tapioca pearls.Bubble tea ba rs often serve bubble tea using a machine to seal the top of the cup with  plastic cellophane. This allows the tea to be shaken in the serving cup. The cellophane isthen pierced with a straw. Other  cafes use plastic dome-shaped lids. Even fruit slushiesand smoothies can have boba added to the drinks. These tapioca pearls are made mostly of tapioca starch, which comes from the tapioca, or  Ã‚  bitter-cassava plant. In other parts of the world, the  bitter-cassava plant may be calledmanioca or yuca. Cassava is native to South America, and was introduced to Asia in the1800s.The balls are prepared  by boiling for 25 minutes, until they are cooked thoroughly  but have not lost pliancy, and then cooled for 25 minutes. After cooking they last about 7hours. The pearls have  little taste, and are usually soaked in sugar or honey solutions. There are two shops that claim to be the first creator of Bubble Tea. One is Liu Han Chiewho worked in Chun Shui Tang teahouse Taichung Cit y, Taiwan in the early 1980s, andexperimented with cold milk tea by  adding fruit, syrup, candied yams, and tapioca  balls. Although the drink was not popular at first, a Japanese television show generated  interestamong businessmen.The drink became well-known in most parts of East and SoutheastAsia during the 1990s. An alternative origin is the Hanlin Teahouse  in Tainan City, Taiwan, owned by Tu  TsongHe Hanlin Bubble tea is made by adding traditional white fenyuan which have anappearance of pearls, supposedly resulting in the  so-called â€Å"pearl tea. † Shortly after,Hanlin changed the white fenyuan to the black, as it is today. In the late 1990s, bubble tea began to gain popularity in the major North American citieswith large Asian populations, especially those on the  West Coast and East Coast and inTexas.The trend in the  United States started by Lollicup in the city of San  Gabriel,California and quickly spread throughout Southern California. The be verage has receivedmuch attention from mainstream American media, including  covers on National PublicRadio show Morning Edition and  the Los Angeles Times. Bubble tea  has spreadinternationally through Chinatowns and other overseas Asian communities. In the U. S. , major chains such as Boba Bee in Chicago are expanding into suburbanareas, particularly those with large Asian populations. Bubble tea  can also be found inmajor European cities such as London  and Paris.Bubble tea is also gaining  in popularityin Canada, particularly in and around  the cities of Vancouver, British Columbia; Toronto,Ontario; and Montreal, Quebec where there are large Asian-Canadian communities. It isalso gaining popularity in Australia, especially in Sydney, Brisbane and  Melbournewhere there are also high concentrations of Asian immigrants and descendants. Capital Bubble Tea Cafe's focus is on meeting the demand of a regular local residentcustomer base, as well as a  significant level of tourist traffic from nearby highwaysMarket Segmentation Customers are likely to be: * Young professionals may consider bubble tea a  novelty and luxury alternative tothe commuter, lunchtime or after-work coffee. * Although it contains sugar, bubble tea  is a much healthier alternative tocarbonated fizzy drinks and may therefore appeal to health conscious consumers. * It is popular for people to hold meetings such as craft circles and book groups inlocal cafes and coffee shops and a bubble tea cafe could appeal as an unusualalternative. Due to its fairly new status, bubble tea has a certain novelty value that mightappeal to people looking  to try different tastes and flavors. * Office workers looking for a quick snack and drink or a relaxing meeting place. Travelers will be attracted to bubble tea  cafes situated at transport locations suchas railway stations or airports; these can provide a useful way of relaxing beforeor during journeys. Increasingly bubble tea cafes or outlets are being located attransport terminals servicing clients throughout journeys, even short distance commutes.Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  will focus on two different market segments: Commuters andCaptive Consumers. Commuters are defined as any one  or more individuals in a motorized vehicle  travelingfrom point â€Å"A† to point â€Å"B. †Ã‚  Capital Bubble Tea Cafe greatest concentration  will be oncommuters heading to or from work, or those out on their lunch break. Captive Consumers would include those who are tethered to a campus environment, or ina restricted entry environment that does not allow free movement to and from.Examples would include high school and college campuses, where  there is limited time  between classes, and corporate campuses  where the same time constraints are involved,  but regarding meetings and project deadlines, and special events; such as  carnivals, fairsor festivals–where there is an admission price to ente r the  gate, but exiting would meananother admission fee, or where refreshments are an  integral part of the festivities. Capital Bubble Tea Cafe focuses on the middle and upper-income markets. These marketsegments consume the majority of bubble tea. Local ResidentsCapital Bubble Tea Cafe  wants to establish a large regular customer base. This willestablish a healthy, consistent revenue base to  ensure stability of the business. Tourists Tourist traffic comprises approximately 35% of the revenues. High visibility andcompetitive products and service are critical to  capture this segment of the market. Target Market Segment Strategy The dominant target market for Capital Bubble Tea Cafe is a regular  stream of localresidents. Personal and expedient customer service at  a competitive price is key tomaintaining the local market share of this target market.Market Needs Because Capital City has a warm  climate for eight months out of the year, bubble  tea  products are very much in demand. During the remaining four months of the year,  warmdrinks are in significantly higher demand, along with a slower but consistent demand for  Ã‚  bakery products. Much of the  day's activity occurs at lunchtime, with a relatively steadyflow for the remainder of the day. Service Business Analysis The retail bubble tea industry in the  U. S. has recently experienced rapid growth. Theclimate in Capital City stimulates consumption of cold beverages throughout the year.Bubble tea drinkers in the U. S. are finicky about the quality of beverages  offered at thenumerous cafes across the region. Despite low competition in the immediate area, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe will positionitself as a place where customers can  enjoy a cup of delicious bubble  tea with a fresh  pastry in a relaxing environment. Competition and Buying Patterns Competition in the local area is somewhat  sparse and does not provide nearly the  level of  Ã‚  product quality and cus tomer service as Capital Bubble Tea Cafe. Local customers arelooking for a high quality product in a relaxing atmosphere.They desire a  unique, classyexperience. In addition to sales through company operated retail stores, leading competitors selldrinks through other channels of distribution (specialty operations). Larger chains varytheir product mix depending upon the size of each store and its location. Larger stores carry a broad selection of drinks in  various sizes and types of packaging, aswell as accessories such as storage containers, travel tumblers and  mugs. Smaller storesand kiosks typically sell a limited line of drinks and,  maybe, a few accessories such astravel tumblers and logo mugs.Technologically savvy competitors make fresh bubble tea and bubble tea-related productsconveniently available via mail order and  online. Additionally, a few larger competitorshave made mail order catalogs offering bubble tea, certain food items, and select bubbletea-making equ ipment and accessories, available. Websites offering online stores that allow customers to browse for and purchase  bubbletea, gifts, and other items via the Internet have become more commonplace as well Strategy and Implementation Bubble tea cafes shops are heavily reliant on impulse buying and passing trade.Thereforethey will benefit from a strong image that is attractive to  clearly identifiable types of  customer. They are at the forefront of ‘lifestyle’ branding and as such  reflect the changes in theUS’s demographic make-up. Issues to consider when developing a bubble tea cafes client base include: * Visibility – location will be vital. However, high street sites may be difficult toobtain due to high rent  and intense competition, particularly from major chains. * Ease of access – other locations to consider includes those close to transport, e. g. near railway and bus stations. Shop design – bubble tea cafes usually cater for both the leisure and takeawaymarket by having separate areas, e. g. a lounge area and a walk-in area. Manychains have been modeled on specific themes such as Asian style. However, anindependent bubble tea cafe  may need to differentiate itself from the large chains. Advertising in a variety of local publications will increase knowledge  of your  Ã‚  bubble tea cafe and  a favorable review in the local  media will increase interest. Consideration should be given to additional activities that may attract custom.For  example displaying art works of local artists or students may bring in customers. Live music could increase interest or hosting ‘reading  group’ meetings (anincreasingly popular leisure activity) could bring in additional and regular custom. * Promotional offers – most bubble tea cafes attract younger customers, therefore  promoting the business to older age groups may be worthwhile or offering dealssuch as ‘bubble tea and†¦ ’ deals. * Good quality food and drink will be  an essential element as the market is highly competitive. If other drinks are served this could be  promoted along with any other unusual elements of the business. * Word of mouth recommendation will also be  important therefore it is important that you offer good customer service and  staff are aware of this requirement. Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  will succeed by offering consumer’s high quality bubble tea, as well as bakery products with personal service at  a competitive price. Competitive Edge Capital Bubble Tea Cafe's competitive edge  is the relatively low level of competition in the local area in this particular niche.Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  will involve the customers in community support efforts byexplaining that a portion of their purchase price will be donated to a charity of their  choosing. In so doing, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe has: * Provided a customer with a quality product  at a competiti ve price. * Provided the customer with a more convenient method for obtaining their desired  product. * Demonstrated how Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  appreciates their loyalty and  patronage by donating money to their personal cause. Marketing Strategy CapitalBubble Tea Cafe  will be implementing a low cost advertising/promotioncampaign which could involve drive-time radio, but not much more. Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  will rely on building relationships with schools, charities and corporations to provide significant free publicity because of its community support  program. By giving charitable contributions to these institutions, they will get the word out to their students/faculty/employees/partners about Capital Bubble Tea Cafe. Word of mouth has always proven  to be the greatest advertising program a company can instill.In addition, the media will be more than willing to promote the charitable aspectsof Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  and provide the opportunity for more expo sure  every timeCapital Bubble Tea Cafe writes a check to another organization. Pricing StrategyCapital Bubble Tea Cafe  pricing will be comparable to the competition, but with thevalue-added feature of immediate convenience. Promotion StrategyThe long-range goal is to  gain enough visibility to leverage the product  line into other  regions and generate inquiries from potential inventors.To  do that, Capital Bubble TeaCafe needs: * Public relations services at $1,000 per month  for the next year intended togenerate awareness of editors and product  information insertions, reviews, etc. Itis anticipated that the school fundraising program will generate a fair amount of  Ã‚  publicity on its own and will, perhaps, minimize–or even  eliminate–the need for  a publicist. * Advertising at $1,000 per month concentrating on drive time radio. CapitalBubble Tea Cafe will experiment with different stations, keeping  careful track of  results.As with the school fundraising program, Capital Bubble Tea  Cafe expects the facilities and signage to be a  substantial portion of our advertising. However,in the start-up phase, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe needs to let people know where tolook for the facilities. Marketing ProgramsDistinctive Logo:Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  wants to touch every customer every day. That  is why the use of  the term â€Å"Come Again† with a  smiling logo lends itself to being the corporate identifier. Distinctive Buildings:Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  has worked closely with the manufacturer to make  the buildingdistinctive, so that it is easy to recognize, and  functional.Advertising and Promotion:In the first year, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe plans to spend $20,000 on advertising and  promotion, with the program beginning in **. This would not be considered a seriousadvertising budget for any business, but Capital Bubble Tea Cafe feels the exposure willcome from publicity and promotion, so most of  the funds will be spent on a  good  publicist who will get the word out  about the charitable contribution program and  how itworks in conjunction with the website.Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  also believes that word-of-mouth advertising and free beveragecoupons will be better ways to drive  people to the first and second  locations. In the second year, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe is increasing the budget to $40,000, since itwill need to promote several locations, with particular emphasis on announcing theseopenings and all the other locations. Capital Bubble Tea Cafe will continue to use  publicity as a key component of the marketing program.In the third year, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe will increase its advertising and promotion  budget to $80,000,  with the majority of the advertising budget being  spent on drive timeradio. Sales StrategyThere will be several sales strategies put into place,  including posting specials on high-  profit items at the window. Th e staff will also hand  out free drink coupons to those whohave purchased a certain number of cups or something similar.Capital Bubble Tea Cafe  will also develop window sales techniques such as  the staff  asking if the customer would like a  fresh-baked item with their bubble tea. Sales Programs * Corporate Tasting Events – Capital Bubble Tea  Cafe plans to host tasting eventsfor customers on a quarterly basis. Each quarter, at the  introduction of eachseason, Capital Bubble Tea Cafe will be adjusting its menu to reflect the changesin the flavors served. * Drink Coupons – At fundraising events for schools and  corporate events, we will  be giving away drink coupons as door prizes or awards.This encourages the  person to come in for their free beverage and bring a friend or buy a baked item or  a package of our bubble teas. * Chamber of Commerce and Professional Memberships – Because  of the need tosell our services, Capital Bubble Tea C afe  will be an active participant in the Regional Chamber, local Chambers of Commerce,  Foodservice Associations, and Specialty Beverage Associations. The exposure and education that these organizations provide is outstanding, but equally important are the  contacts and opportunities made available

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Economics-how does ethics influence regulation both in the U.S and Essay

Economics-how does ethics influence regulation both in the U.S and abroad - Essay Example Thus the influence of ethics in shaping up regulation is essential to the overall well-being of the governmental and/or private entities, working within the country’s boundaries. It gives them the edge to explore new grounds and be vocal about the same. (Elliston, 1988) It facilitates in building policies which could assist not only their business from a rational standpoint but also the plight of its stakeholders, which could be far and wide, varied and distinctive – all at the same time. The ethical debates are thus facilitative in the fact that the vision is followed to the core and the government regulations which are set about under such a process are appreciated by the people at large and the governmental circles within the country. All said and done, the role of ethics plays to the positive effects of any government regulation, be it a huge one or of a very small

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Persuasive Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasive Research Paper - Essay Example The idea of tabula rasa does not exist for them. Nurture theories, on the contrary, maintain that how people develop their children will determine the latter’s future. This paper argues that the environment is stronger than genetics in developing positive behaviors among children, even to the point of reducing genetic risks for negative behaviors. High quality early childhood education can nurture social and intellectual skills. Votruba-Drzal et al. studied the role of early education and child care experiences in influencing middle childhood behaviors for low-income children. They employed data from the Three-City Study, which is a longitudinal study that gets information about low-income children and families, using different data-collection methods. The Three-City Study investigates the effects of particular social welfare reforms on these children. Votruba-Drzal et al. provide findings, which show that high-quality early childhood care helped children develop less behavior problems, by the time they reach middle childhood. They notice that when children belong to more responsive, supportive, and well-designed early child care settings, they did not externalize bad behaviors, by the time they were middle-school students. Votruba-Drzal et al. stress that the results are predominantly salient for boys and African American ch ildren. A personal experience also shows that high-quality early child care results to positive behaviors. An uncle, three years back, complained of his two-year old son, Jimmy, who was very aggressive and naughty. Uncle Carlisle was already thinking that maybe it is his karma, since he was a very naughty boy before also. He enrolled Jimmy in a high-quality child care center that other parents referred him to. After one year after, Jimmy exhibited less aggression and became more sociable and obedient. Another example is a friend, who thought that her daughter has learning problems. At the age of two, she has very